New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic and Progressive Rock

Captain Hawk: Ghosts of the Sea Review

Captain Hawk Ghosts of the SeaCaptain Hawk Ghosts of the Sea is a rollickingly good listen. The glorious artwork cover notes it as a “metal opera”.

That’s about right. It is heavy but also has symphonic, melodic and progressive elements all so well written and performed with a crystal clear production.

I took a chance on it after seeing it on Sonic Age records when buying something else from them and simply had to have it.

You might call it Pirate Rock……the album spins a glorious yarn of a pirate crew headed by Captain Hawk as they set sail full of hope of plundering a bounty of treasure as pirates tended to do of course.

A cast of vocalists play their parts with gusto befitting the concept and entering in to the spirit of it. The musicianship is spot on as it thunders along giving an authentic atmospheric feel of high seas adventure.

A heavy/power metal sea shanty which delivers. A hugely fun listen following captain and crew chasing that treasure and dealing with a few issues along the way – dangerous storms, rescuing a woman from a storm who is not what she appears to be, a mutiny, treasure, sirens and then sailing home with the plunder in the hold and dreaming of what to do with their new found wealth.

It doesn’t take itself too seriously – which I think is the whole point of it intending to be fun, which is certainly manages. From first note to last you’re one of the crew.

The chunky, powerful riffs hit all the way, the solos economical, drumming powerful and the vocals tremendous. The lyrics tell the story well and the catchy choruses will have you joining in whilst raising your tot of rum or mug of mead to toast your crew mates.

Perhaps Get the Pistol sums up the album in one track. The crew think Captain Hawk has done the dirty on them so whip up a mutiny. Gloriously heavy and powerful, a rousingly catchy chorus, excellent guitar work. A song any pirate would be proud of. Here’s the video:

Is that not a monster of a song? Heck, it’s a monster of an album.

Shiver me timers me hearties. Get a copy for yourself or if not run the risk of walking the plank or being keel hauled….! And forgive the frequent use of pirate cliches in this review – couldn’t help being a little cheesy.

Various formats available from the Captain Hawk Bandcamp page: