Would you like to advertise your band, upcoming gigs, new CD or any rock/heavy metal related product or service with us?
We have a target audience of rock music fans worldwide though most traffic is from the UK and USA.
Advertising options include:
- Top of left hand sidebar – appears on each page and post view:
A 250×250 graphic at the top of the left hand sidebar (other sidebar positions available also)
- In-post banners – appears on each page and post view:
A 468×60 banner which will appear either at the top, in the middle or at the end of each post view across the site
Placements are available for various lengths of time – for example monthly, quarterly, six-monthly, annually.
The site attracts thousands of visitors and page views each month.Your advert could appear on each and every page/post view across the site.
Please see the scresnhot below for example advert position placements highlighted in the red boxes.