New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic and Progressive Rock

Hats Off Gentlemen it’s Adequate: Out of Mind Review.

Hats off Gentlemen It's Adequate Out of Mind ReviewWhat a fine name for a band. And let me tell you – they are much, much better than plain old adequate. Out of Mind is their (I think) fourth album. Thoughtful, absorbing and inventive progressive rock of the highest order.

It’s a sort of concept album too with songs being “inspired by memory, from a variety of perspectives, from the role of memory in defining identity, to historical remembrance and dementia.”

Main protagonists Malcolm Galloway and Mark Gatland (abetted by Kathryn Thomas) demonstrate some considerable ability here and a myriad of styles at plat from the rockier (Coming Back, Stand Up) to the more gentle/ambient (When I was a Ship) and some tasty instrumentals in to more “traditional” prog territory with cool, precise bass lines and the key/synths to the fore.

Coming Back (Time out of Joint) demonstrates the band’s approach well I feel. A spacey intro leads in to a punchy, consistent bass-led punch and driving vocals. Excellent stuff. Here it is:

When I was a Ship is a contrast – more gentle piano based. Then one of the instrumentals – Defiance – featuring a tasty riff and swirly/spacey synth over the top. A tasty trio to get things off to a fine start.

The style changes almost every cut, which isn’t a bad thing as it all fits together in to a listening experience which draws the listener in.

Some other highlights include Stand Up (similar to Coming Back with the punchy riff) I Miss the Stars (something of a Pink Floyd vibe going on), The Electric Ant (kinda weird) and Lidice (spooky, haunting).

Very pleased Malcolm got in touch to tip me off about Hats off Gentlemen it’s Adequate. Always good to discover a new (to me) band and one which records stuff as excellent as Out of Mind.

It’s the sort of album which deserves wider attention. For the progressive rock fan for sure or even if you like solid, thoughtful stuff skilfully arranged. Properly recommended.


Do check out the band too:

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