New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic and Progressive Rock

Hyperial Blood and Dust Review.

Hyperial Blood and DustThanks to Kula, guitarist for Hyperial, he sent me a review copy of the band’s latest release entitled Blood and Dust. Now I have to admit to not knowing anything about Hyperial until Kula’s email so just in case you might not be familiar with them too – a visit to their web site shows that they are from Poland, formed in 2006 and have accumulated quite a following. Helpfully, once can listen to some of their stuff streaming from their site so I did have a bit of an idea what the review CD might contain.

It arrived a few days ago, has spent much of that time with me in the car so here’s my review of Blood and Dust. Now, my (ahem) “delicate” ears are more accustomed to slightly gentler stuff and let me tell you that Hyperial play very loud and very fast. Not exactly sure how to classify their sound – speed metal, industrial metal, death metal but whatever it’s supposed to be it’s brutal stuff. And I mean that in a good way.

Right from the first bars of the opener this hit you right between the eyes and everywhere else it is anatomically possible to be hit between. A full on sound assault. The drummer must be some sort of human octopus to hit the kit so fast. Surely need more than two arms and legs. So fast and “rat tat tat” it sounds like a machine gun spitting out the whole nine yards on each track. Put on top of that some gut wrenching riffing and the vocal grows of Grochu it’s quite some listen overall.

First couple of spins it sounded all the same to me though after a couple more spins it started to make more sense and hidden depths emerged with the (initial) huge wall of sound growing on me somewhat. Some of it borders on the melodic even and slows down some in parts – In the Desert of Dementia for example. And the machine gun drumming and riffing started to become hypnotic rather than the (initial again) impression of being loud and fast for the sake of it.

Whilst this style of metal is not exactly “my bag man” what with me being more of a traditional NWOBHM/classic rock type I must say that Blood and Dust rewards the more one listens to it. If speed/industrial/death metal floats your boat then Hyperial will, I believe, hit the spot for you very well.

I suggest you at least check out the band and listen to what they have to offer. You can do that via the band’s site here:

Order your copy of Blood and Dust here:
Release date: 10th July
Digital version: 30th July (Bandcamp, Hyperial webstore).