New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic and Progressive Rock

Stryder: Darkened Days Review.

Stryder Darkened DaysObscure NWOBHM Releases do it yet again – this time unearthing the excellent Stryder form the good old days. Now, whilst Stryder were from Ireland, geographically it doesn’t strictly qualify as New Wave of British Heavy Metal though let’s not let that get in the way as we’re all friends……right?

Stryder were around from the late 1970s to the early 1980s and had a burgeoning reputation around the Irish rock scene without managing to break out.

All they had to show for their efforts as far as released material was a solitary single – Forcin’ Thru – from 1980.

However, in addition to that single, Obscure NWOBHM Releases have included here on this limited edition run of CDs a re-discovered session which Stryder did in the early 1980s for RTE Radio. The quality is a bit muddy, though the talent and ability shine through.

Seven songs in total. All well-constructed, punchy rockers with some finesse and melody built in. Oh – and superb guitars which will bring to mind a certain band from Ireland who were shall we say quite popular at the time. Can you guess who……?

The answer of course being Thin Lizzy. Stryder’s songs here are in a similar style to Lizzy in particular the guitar work which one can compare to the classic Scott Gorham/Brian Robertson output in Lizzy’s classic period.

It’s not a Lizzy rip-off by any means if that’s what you might be thinking. If anything, Stryder come across as being as touch heavier than Lizzy and have a style of their own.

Forcin’ Thru is a tasty fast-paced punchy piece with a nice solo. Woman has a great hook. So catchy. Darkened Days expands the heaviness somewhat with more of those fine twin guitars, big rhythm chords with the lead breaks over the top. Check it out:

God Bless You and Goodbye another couple of short, snappy rockers and to show they can do the soulful stuff – Why is around five minutes of moody, brooding, slowish bluesy type stuff with excellent slow burning and emotional solo work going on.

If you like Thin Lizzy you’ll like Stryder for sure. To marks once again to Obscure NWOBHM Releases for turning up another gem from back then.

As mentioned at the top of the post – it is a limited run of just 600 CDs. As I type this post on 23 January 2022, the label’s web site has it listed as do Sonic Age Records – which are my “go to” places for this sort of stuff. Links below if you’d like to snag one for yourself:

Obscure NWOBHM Releases

Sonic Age Records