New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic and Progressive Rock

Rick Wakeman: The Red Planet Review.

Rick Wakeman the Red PlanetKeyboard legend Rick Wakeman harks back to his pomp magnificence of the 1970s with the Red Planet. A thoroughly magnificent slab of retro-modern instrumental turning the prog up to eleven and beyond.

This goes back to Rick’s glory days of his early solo output such as the Six Wives of Henry Viii, Journey to the Centre of the Earth and King Arthur. Now coming up to fifty years later, the Red Planet fits in amongst that lot like the proverbial glove.

Make no mistake – this is a quite outstanding album. All the Wakeman trademarks are present including those mazy, dexterous moog runs and the pounding organ. Backed up by the excellent English Rock Ensemble each of which puts in a (er, forgive me the pun) a stellar performance.

Lee Pomeroy’s deft bass, a solid Ash Sloan on drums and understated shredding from guitarist Dave Colquhoun big it up nicely too as Rick lets rip on all those keys. So good to have the boy Wakeman putting stuff like this out again.

Here’s the opener – Ascraeus Mons. A nice bit of organ riffing holding it together throughout as the other layers of keys, synths, and the Ensemble build up the pressure gradually in to a beautifully crafted and atmospheric piece.

Thiaris Tholus is a monster with one of those stabbing, direct moog solos which Rick’s so good at and the Ensemble shine here too. Arsia Mons and Olympus Mons similarly epic and superbly composed.

As the album progresses the quality does not drop at all. Each track is fresh and different. Even a bit of jazz rock/funk in Pavonis Mons.

Of course no prog rock album is complete without at least one ten minute track. Rick saves that one for last and the wondrous Valles Marineris seeing Rick and Ensemble give it everything between them and then some.

Heck, if a human does ever land on Mars, the Red Planet should provide the sound track then Rick can recreate the event on ice. He did it with King Arthur so why not on another planet……?

Prog rock keyboard players come and go – though there’s none of them quite like “our Rick”. Essential stuff.


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