Veteran German progsters Eloy led as always by main man Frank Bornemann complete their trilogy based on the life of Joan of Arc in fine style with Echoes from the Past.
Joan of Arc has a special interest for Frank and he set about telling the story on part one of this trilogy with The Vision, the Sword and the Pyre Parts I and II over the past few years. The mixture of classic Eloy style progressive, spacey rock interspersed with occasional narrative making for a couple of very fine albums.
Now Frank bring the trilogy to a conclusion with the equally excellent Echoes from the Past. There’s fewer narration here than one the previous two albums and more put in to the classic Eloy traits of the hypnotic. Chugging riffs, glorious spacey washes and stabbing of the synths, complex yet melodic bass lines and some superb drumming.
All in all sounding like classic Eloy doing what they do best. A well-paced album which builds to the inevitable conclusion ramping up the atmosphere and tension skilfully. In parts it reminds me of the great Ocean album from 1970s.
The opener – Conspiracy – starts things off very nicely encompassing the welcoming and familiar Eloy style. The intro is one of the bits which made me think of Ocean, particularly the jingle-jangle of Frank’s guitar then the driving riff and the drumming with the washes of keys and synths coming in too. Have a listen:
And on we go from there in similar style throughout with the occasional slower elements here and there to fit the mood of the story.
Sometimes it’s quite moody, sensitive and even a little emotional. In particular Farewell. At other times it’s brooding and a bit dark – for example the nine and a half minutes of The Pyre which comes across as a little unsettling as Joan is taken to her inevitable fate.
Frank has clearly put so much in to the trilogy which has come over so well in all three albums and perhaps Echoes from the Past slightly edging out the other two to be the best of the trio.
All in all a very fine progressive, spacey rock album from a band who have been knocking this stuff out for half a century with constantly high class. Usual formats available.