A jolly nice day out at the Bloodstock festival yesterday (Friday 12th). Remarkably my first showing up at a festival since Milton Keynes in 2006.
And as an “old man” who cut his festival teeth at the original Monsters of Rock at Castle Donnington in 1980 and the subsequent early editions there was a connection with Twisted Sister headlining the main stage last night as I was at Donnington in 1983 when they were on the bill there.
Me and me mate Rob endured a “patience stretching” drive to Catton Hall. An anticipated 90 mins turned in to three hours thanks to motorway crawls and an epic stretch of pipe-laying causing chaos on the southbound A38.
Anyhoo – arrived in to the grounds as Venom were about to start their set on the main stage. Quite timely for a spot of good old New Wave of British Heavy Metal era showmanship. Showing my “advanced years” somewhat Venom, along with Diamond Head and Twisted Sister, one of the few bands on the bill I had any familiarity with.
Whether it was a dodgy sound or years of accumulated ear wax, Venom didn’t come across too well. Something of a minor disappointment from the fondly remembered NWOBHM legends.
Was time to seek out the Kraken Black Spied Rum “I Scream” van area. A huge thanks to Pasty Lima from Cow PR (http://www.thisiscow.com/) for arranging accreditation for the day and the opportunity to check out Kraken product – a delicious blend of Kraken Black Spiced Rum in the form of an alcoholic ice cream (I Scream – geddit…..?). The Kraken of course being the mythical giant squid type beastie famous for the cheesy line of “release the Kraken” in the Jason and the Argonauts film (original and re-make).
The Kraken van was ideally situated with an excellent view of the main stage. Product popular with a queue snaking Anaconda-like some way back. So popular indeed that the I Scream was a sell-out though the Kraken cocktails going down very well.
We had an (I think) Perfect Storm comprising Kraken rum, ginger beer and a lime wedge. Wonderfully refreshing on a hot afternoon/early evening wand able to watch the main stage action from the oasis of tranquillity which was the seating area around the van.
Needed to say hello and thanks to Patsy. Felt a little guilty going so after finding her “working hard” lounging in the deck chair. Must be how the creative types “conceptualise”. HA HA. Only joking Patsy……Nice to have a chat and relay thanks for her invitation and help arranging things.
The Kraken van has been at various festivals over the summer and I believe due at some more. Do check it out of you have chance. The Perfect Storm strongly and personally recommended for refreshment purposes. If not at a festival, buy yourself a bottle of Kraken, some ginger beer and lime, get home and make your own on demand. I’m off to do just that after posting this.
More about Kraken Rum here: http://www.krakenrum.co.uk/
After chatting with Patsy and enjoying the Perfect Storm hunger pains struck so time for food and a wander round. All sorts going on with bands on three other stages bar the main though without knowledge of who was due on where planning was a bit difficult. Did catch Beholder (?) on one of the stages but didn’t take to them either.
By the time food and a beer had been sourced and consumed Behemoth arrived on the main stage. We watched. Hmmmmm – no offence if Behemoth are your bag – not mine. All sounded the same to me. Grrrrrrrrrrrr with no variation.
Perhaps it’s my advancing years or perhaps, in the words of the great Ian Anderson I am now too old to rock and roll, too young to die – I can’t get on with the extreme metal type stuff. I would have liked to have seen Glory Hammer but arrived too late.
After Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I mean Behemoth, ended their set it was announced that Twisted Sister wouldn’t be on until 9:15 – a wait of an hour. Shades of “not going on until it’s dark” territory perhaps?
Didn’t fancy that much (old and miserable again……!) allied with the potential for endless queue to get off the car park so we decided we’d clear off.
Still an enjoyable day out with the extra kick being the Kraken Rum cocktail. It could become as English as Pimms for summer refreshment. Next time you nip out to your supermarket of choice make that thankless chore a bit of a reward for yourself by adding a bottle of Kraken Rum to your basket. Not forgetting the ginger beer and lime for that Perfect Storm.
Thanks once again to Patsy Lima at Cow PR:
All about Kraken Rum, the I Scream an cocktails here: