New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic and Progressive Rock

Ruby Dawn: Beyond Tomorrow Review

Ruby Dawn Beyond TomorrowBeyond Tomorrow is the debut album from Ruby Dawn which was released earlier in April 2023.

Thanks to Anne-Claire Rallo from Bad Dog Promotions for drawing my attention to it and to Ruby Dawn’s Carola Baer for kindly sending me a copy of the CD.

Incidentally, Anne-Claire is a member of the excellent Nine Skies band. I reviewed their excellent The Lightmaker album a few days ago. Check that album out because it is rather good.

Ruby Dawn comprise of Carola Baer (vocals, keyboards ), Dave Salsbury (lead guitar) , Ian Turner (on bass and production duties) and Adam Perry  (drums).

The band’s web site states:

“Ruby Dawn Band perform hypnotic powerful and ambient grooves with a social conscience creating a rich and unique progressive rock sound that weaves emotional intensity with captivating lyrical expressions and goose bump heart pounding drive.

Like an amalgamation of a Massive Attack, Pink Floyd with energy & passion.  The listener is taken on a haunting mind-captivating journey.”

Now chucking around comparisons with the likes of Pink Floyd is a brave thing to do – however after listening to Beyond Tomorrow a good few times the hypnotic and ambient grooves and rich unique progressive rock sound bit is spot on.

The album comprises of a dozen tracks with a running time just shy of an hour. It’s the sort of album which I found does take a few spins to reveal itself though when it does it is that bit different and the sort of album which is a “chilled” listen and one to put on when you feel like enjoying same.

Carola’s vocals will grab you. Rangy and at times rather seductive and sultry. Suits the music well. Dave Salsbury’s guitar conjures up washes of sound, crisp riffs and chords as required and his soloing is measured and quite inventive. He does not need to play a thousand notes a minute. Rather use skill, tone and feeling.

Ian Turner and Adam Perry lock in tight with crisp drumming and nice, melodic bass lines respectively.

As to the music – Save the Day is an opener which broods away building in to a tasty latter section with some of that fine guitar work from Salsbury especially the solo. A song which reveals more with each listen. Star on You similarly so and perhaps a touch heavier.

Break Down has a bluesy edge. Dances of Mars another one which is a grower and rather catchy. As is Save Me. Somewhat “spacey” with the rhythm section more to the fore. Have a listen:

Every prog album has to have a long track or it’s not prog – right? Ruby Dawn hit that spot with Into the Sun. An excellent ten minutes or so of Eastern-influenced prog and more of Salsbury’s very impressive guitar work.

An excellent debut album from a band with something different to offer. Whilst slotting in as progressive rock it has more it than that with the melodies, ambient and bluesy elements all in all making it in my opinion an album worth getting to know.

Why not bag yourself Beyond Tomorrow from Ruby Dawn’s Bandcamp page? CD, download etc.: