New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic and Progressive Rock

Rush Newcastle Arena 21 May 2011

A very pleasant jaunt up to Newcastle last night to see Rush on their Time Machine Tour. Yes of course Mr Lifeson, Mr Lee and Mr Peart are very old now but do they still deliver – of most certainly yes.

I can (honestly) say that I was there all the way back in 1977 when Rush first played in dear old Blighty at the Sheffield City Hall. Pretty much had the place to myself that night and I’ve been with them ever since so when dates came out for this tour tickets had to be purchased within the opening seconds of going on sale – but not the tremendously expensive ones and instead a more “value for money” position just over half way back in the first tier allowing large and uninterrupted stage views.

Before we get in to the nitty-gritty a short observation…….we got to Geordieland in mid-afternoon and parked up in a surprisingly cheap multi-storey next to the Holiday Inn Express (is it just me or do car park entrances and exits get tighter all the time) and wandered up in to town looking forward to an hour or two spent trawling the CD shops hidden here and there. When we did find them – was a sad sight. Much, much smaller than they used to be (those which are left) with not that much in there. Suppose the internet means they cannot compete any longer.

This was followed by a leisurely pre-gig dinner in the Pizza Hut at the top of the Bigg Market and as we left to walk to the Arena the gaggles of hen parties were just setting out on their evenings of what would be no doubt (ahem) modest and refined behaviour.

Anyhoo – to the Rush concert. I do like Newcastle Arena as a venue. After a little discussion we estimated the place was around 85% full. Very respectable. We knew we were getting all of Moving Pictures at some point though the three of us had deliberately not looked on the net for a set list to retain the element of surprise.

Part 1 got off with a short “comedy” intro video before The Spirit of Radio literally crackled with life as the set opener. Blinding. We’re off. Part 1 lasted about an hour or so and I thought was slightly pedestrian with some of the song selections – Marathon and Presto for example. A slow pace at times almost like it was a warm up (just my opinion folks – don’t shoot me).

A half hour or so to recharge and on to Part 2. Wow……! This time way more funnier video to set the scene and BAM! Tom Sawyer kicks us off in to the entirety of Moving Pictures. Proceedings certainly moved up a notch or two and it’s blistering stuff.  All very powerful, all very fresh. Great to see the Camera Eye performed as well. Bit of a personal favourite.

The lighting rig sprang in to life considerably more as well throwing some interesting shapes all adding to the spectacle and assault on the senses. The foot never came off the pedal after the Moving Pictures show. 2112 never fails to send shivers. There is only one “professor on the drum kit.” Far Cry is a classic already and the new song Caravan sounded suitably heavy with a nice riff. We even had a slightly reworked Closer To The Heart.

The encore was tremendous. La Villa Strangiato no less followed by a storming Working Man with Lifeson really letting rip.

Phenomenal stuff from three Canadians who I would say have few peers when it comes to a live performance and the spectacular stage show not deflecting from the musical delivery.

Nice one boys – do come back.