New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic and Progressive Rock

The Breed: Reflections Review NWOBHM

The Breed ReflectionsThe Breed were around for a few years back in the mid-1980s trying to make their mark during the New Wave of British Heavy Metal boom years.

What probably didn’t help their cause was being from the far south west of England in deepest, darkest Cornwall. So far south west and remote that maps back then simply said “there be dragons here”. Just joking of course. Cornwall is a fine county to visit.

The band played all over home turf without breaking out further and other than a self-released album on cassette (remember cassettes? The most unfriendly musical format ever…..) via mail order, the wasn’t any other recorded output.

Such a shame as The Breed certainly did have something to offer though that geographic remoteness likely did not encourage too many record company representatives to give up a cushy number in say London to schelp to Cornwall.

Now, the crew at Obscure NWOBHM Releases have pulled another rabbit out of the NWOBHM hat somehow managing to find The Breed’s three demos from back in the day and issuing them in their usual limited edition run of 500 CDs.

Excellent stuff it is too. Very heavy with guitarist Mike Hocking providing the big, bludgeoning riffs and frantic yet controlled solos. Musically think something along the lines of Budgie crossed with early Black Sabbath and a sprinkling of some dark, doomy elements a-la Witchfynde.

Thumping galloping bass right up there adding to the sound and the drums strong and pacey. Each demo has a different vocalist.

The first demo – Rage of Hell has four tracks. Rage of Hell itself crushingly heavy with the big, strong riff. Dressed to Kill bounces along nicely then comes the brooding slightly dark yet very heavy The Witch and Hocking showing his chops to full effect. Reflections brings a breather to the assault of the previous three with the gentle opening passage nicely done.

The Breaking Out demo is just two tracks. The first simply titled Y and another heavy yet measured battering for the eardrums then another running of Rage of Hell.

Then comes the seven songs of the Hunting Me, Hunting You demo.

The title song being something special. Relentlessly pounding away with the big galloping bass driving it along keeping pace with the guitar. Have a listen:

The Executioner another slab of banging riffage and superb soloing. Anywhere But Here goes a bit melodic with the chorus. Stand Up For Your Rights powerful and catchy then another version of The Witch coming in hot and heavy.

Steve Glasson – the vocalist on the Hunting Me, Hunting You session puts it all in with a solid, powerful showing being, in my opinion, far and away the best of the three vocalist in the band over the three sessions which comprise this CD.

The Breed certainly had the talent as evidenced with the demos though without the breaks to go with it. Top marks as always to Obscure NWOBHM Releases for continuing to do what they do and unearthing another one.

The Breed Reflections available on a limited edition run of 500 CDs as is usual with Obscure NWOBHM label releases.

At time of posting, the label showing availability as are various others such as Sonic Age Records:

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