Yesterday I received an email from Jarvis Leatherby asking if I’d check out his band, Night Demon. He said: If you’re into any newer bands that have the classic NWOBHM sound, please check out my band Night Demon. So what else could I do but have a gander and a listen. And what a pleasant surprise it was…..Night Demon do NWOBHM just like it was “back then” and it sounds great. You should listen too….
Think early Angel Witch, Raven, Diamond Head, Tygers of Pan Tang and yes, even early Iron Maiden. The track I listened to (and watched the video) on their web site had it all. Crunching riff, great guitar, solid vox and a great hook/chorus all just like classic NWOBHM – but these guys are from California….!
Jarvis handles the bass and vocals. John Crear thumps the tubs and Brent Woodward frets up a storm on guitar. An excellent beginning for these young “whippersnappers” and if they keep the pace up, who knows……Already making a name for themselves in heavy metal circles, Night Demon were invited to play the Keep it True Festival on this side of the pond and have caught the attention of NWOBHM legends Diamond Head and raven for some US dates on October.
Heck, from what I’ve heard already, Night Demon was have right up there in the NWOBHM days so why can’t they do it now. I’d say they have the chops.
Strongly recommend you nip over to their web site and have a see and listen) for yourself. Their debut EP is available from there too. Picked up by Shadow Kingdom records, their debut officially hits the streets on 6 August. I’ve purchased via their site, do check it out and see more about Night Demon: