New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic and Progressive Rock

NWOBHM: Seventh Son Singles and Demo Anthology

Seventh Son NWOBHM bandSeventh Son were formed in Barnsley back in 1980. The New Wave of British Heavy Metal was taking off including a little band also from Barnsley by the name of Saxon. We all know how things worked out for them, don’t we…..

The O’Shaughnessy brothers (Kev and Bri) decided they’d have a crack at things with the plan hatched in the good old George Hotel in Barnsley which was the local “rock” pub.

At the time I was a mere whippersnapper growing up in Sheffield next door to Barnsley and may well have nipped in to the George a time or two. Can’t remember as many decades have passed.

Anyhoo – Kev and Bri named their band Seventh Son and enthusiastically set their stall out to make their mark on the NWOBHM scene.

There’d be a debut single in 1982 which they self-released. The following year they did a session for the old Radio Hallam rock show. Radio Hallam being a local radio station with their rock show being an essential listen and way to get to know emerging local bands. I’m getting nostalgic now……best move on…..

Some more sessions for Radio Hallam would be done and various singles released along with much gigging. However all the effort wasn’t rewarded with success.

Though made of stern stuff as we Yorkshire folk are, it wouldn’t be the end for Seventh Son and they kept plugging away which resulted in an album release in 1999 and a second album – Spirit World – a decade later. The band is remains active here in 2024.

The excellent Obscure NWOBHM Releases label have put together an eighteen track CD of Seventh Son’s material. The first eight of which is a previously unreleased demo from back in the day and the remainder the band’s various singles over the years.

Seventh Son’s style is typical honest to goodness “straight ahead” NWOBHM full of energy. Whilst things didn’t happen for them as they did for that other NWOBHM band from Barnsley, there’s much to enjoy on this collection of demos and singles.

For example here’s Dark They Were:

As is usual with the Obscure NWOBHM Releases label, the CD is limited to 500 copies. See if any are available from them here:

Other sources may be available if you look around.

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