New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic and Progressive Rock

Geddy Lee: My Favorite Headache Review

Geddy Lee My Favorite HeadacheMy Favorite Headache, former Rush bassist/vacalist Geddy Lee’s solo album from 2000 has a 2024 reissue. This coincides with the reissue of Alex Lifeson’s solo album Victor from 1996.

As it did with Victor, on hearing about the reissues it prompted me to dig out my copy of the original as I’d not spun it for quite some time.

Back in 2000, the future of Rush was decidedly uncertain give then horrific tragedies which Neil Peart suffered. After test for Echo in 1996 there’d not be another Rush album until Vapor Trails on 2002.

Suppose Geddy decided to occupy himself for a while and what better to do than a solo album? On it he’s joined by Ben Mink (guitar, violin etc.) and Matt Cameron on drums.

It is in the most part rather “Rush-like”. You can’t hear Geddy’s vocals without immediately thinking Rush. Nor his distinctive bass style either. As you’d expect, that’s a big part of the album with the familiar throbbing, flowing, driving and dexterous bass lines.

Indeed – that’s how the album begins with the title track’s intro being some classic, familiar Geddy bass before the song develops in to a bouncy hard rocker which would have sat well on Test for Echo.

The opener sets the template for the rest of the album, which is generally similar style-wise though does have there and there throughout a fair sprinkling of gentler and more melodic elements.

One of those being The Angels’ Share with the acoustic guitar and a sensitive vocal and the piano on Slipping.

My Favorite Headache does sound to me very much like Rush circa Test for Echo if a little lighter. Whether Geddy’s playing it safe here or not – open to debate. Though as it’s a solo album, just as Alex on Victor, he has the right to do his own thing in his own way.

Here’s the title track:

After spinning it for the first time in a long time now when hearing about the reissue, I don’t dislike it.

Perhaps more for Rush completists than an essential purchase. A pleasant listen all the same though.

Oh: and note to spelling on the artwork. There’s no U in favourite. It is favorite. The US spelling as here in the UK we include the U – i.e. favourite. That’s just semantics of course…….my spell checker thinks the U should be there.


Don’t forget that Alex Lifeson’s Victor reissue which has been released at the same time as Geddy’s. Review here.

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