New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic and Progressive Rock

Evership: The Uncrowned King Review

Evership The Uncrowned KingEvership’s The Uncrowned King spans two albums (Act 1 and Act 2) based around the book by Harold Bell Wright.

A proper, good old-fashioned, expansive progressive rock concept piece of massive scope bringing in prog, pomp and plenty of tasty symphonic rock over both albums such is the scale of the project.

Act 1 issued in 2021 and Act 2 in 2022. I came across Evership as it popped up in one of those “you might like” thingies when buying some other album. Immediately struck by the artwork I figured anything with a cover like that must be a worthy prog album – so I ordered both Act1 and Act 2 at the same time.

An inspired move it’s been too. Evership have done so well here. Both albums being expertly composed and performed. Musically I suppose it’s prog overall though that said there are lashings of keys and synths, clean, vibrant, driving riffs, soaring guitar work, wonderful bass lines and powerful drumming. The keys especially give it all something of an ethereal, mystical feel.

If you think of what acts such as Kansas, Styx, Starcastle, Yes, Rush, Emrson Lake and Palmer, Gentle Giant, Uriah Heep, Rick Wakeman and similar were knocking out in the 1970s you can imagine what Evership are up to here on the Uncrowned King.

So much variety in the song composition with all the different styles going in it is an expansive and contrasting experience to listen to both albums back to back.

Act 1 being an arguably more traditional and slightly laid back (though it is powerful) whilst Act 2 ups the pomp-rock some more generally having a harder edge than Act 1.

The mixture of the longer more complex and rangy songs punctuated by shorter more direct songs works so well. And there’s so much going on with the music and as the lyrics follow the concept each listen draws you in.

It’s always nice to be rewarded with stuff as good as Evership after taking a flyer based on artwork. Paid off in fine style with this superb blend of fresh retro-modern prog-pomp.

Check out an example of how good The Uncrowned King is by having a listen to Coronation from Act 2.

If you liked that and fancy getting the albums for yourself – I bagged mine from a prog specialist in Wales called Caerllysi Music. Also, Evership’s web site lists other options. Links below.