Here’s an impulse purchase which has really paid off. Stumbled on a few lines somewhere that this album is something of a throw-back to the classic/pomp/prog rock of the 1970s/1980s prime era and even a spot of NWOBHM.
And it has a Rodney Matthews cover artwork – so it HAS to be good – right? And it most certainly is. Matthews cover art is a sure fire mark of musical quality. I cannot think of a single album he’s done the artwork for which turned out to be poor. I have many of them……
Starquake have put together an expansive album which whilst it does hark back to those much missed days when progressive rock was king it has a modern feel to it too. All sorts of styles here too from the progressive to the pomp to the NWOBHM to the straight ahead hard rocker to the ballad and a bit spacey too. So much to listen to and explore over the seventy plus minutes of music.
Scenes from a Revolution set the pace very nicely. The combination of the pumping staccato drumming, the muscular but crisp guitar and the swirling organ washes go together oh so well sounding not unlike a mixture of early Uriah Heep and Deep Purple. Close Encounter and I’m Going Mad continue in a similar vein though with a bit more of an Equinox/Grand Illusion era Styx pomp to it.
Next comes Rise and Fall. Over twenty minutes of proper prog/pomp/metal. A quiet start leading to a twisting and turning this way and that and back again epic. Ambitious arrangements, sweeping changes of pace as it goes from ballad to outright rocker to the twiddly proggy bits time and time again. Hughley enjoyable and then some.
Then we get in to more “traditional” rock/metal style stuff with some shorter more direct stuff such as The Needle Lies (NWOBM style) and No More Hate which has something of an Iron Maiden feel to it.
Back to the excellent retro-modern progressive side again to close it out with Whatever and Fairytale. The influences are obvious and well played.
Here’s a lyric video for Here I Go Again to give you a sample. A tasty straight ahead prog/metal rocker reminiscent of Uriah Heep with the organ, chunky riff, clean solo and the big hook-laden vocals.
It’s the kind of album which Arjen Lucassen does so well. So for all you early Uriah Heep/Deep Purple/Styx/Kansas/Starcastle fans – Starquake will be “your bag” for sure.
Oh – let me throw another name in. White Spirit. Remember their NWOBHM classic album? Starquake remind me of them a bit too.
Credit to the band for coming out with an album like this. Whilst arguably “unfashionable” these days it has much to offer and much more than keeping old progressive/NWOBHM farts like me happy. For those of you not exposed to such musical styles – spend of few of your hard earned pennies on Times that Matter and expose your ears to something new.