New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic and Progressive Rock

Atlas: Built to Last Review

Atlas Built to LastThe third album from Atlas sees the band properly hit their stride with Built to last being an immense slab of hard-edged melodic rock with symphonic and progressive elements mixed in and also something of a classic 1980s feel to it.

The first two albums from the band – In Pursuit of Memory and Parallel Love – were both excellent and highly promising and now Built to Last must surely add to the promise of the first two albums and push Atlas towards the top table.

A dozen tracks coming in at a combined running time just shy of an hour. Each one a skilfully written and tightly performed example of classy symphonic/progressive melodic rock and a joy to listen to. The symphonic/progressive influences do give Atlas something that bit different to offer and they do it so well.

Craig Wells has a voice well suited to the style. Powerful and rangy. James Thorley’s keyboards are varied building the atmospherics and jumping in with excellent solos particularly when trading off with the guitar of Howie Little. Indeed – listen to how effortlessly Howie punches out the riffs and to the point solos which span the fretboard. Add in a tight rhythm section of Chris Redfearn and Ryan Briggs providing the foundation for the rest of the band to do their stuff and all in all Altlas squarely hit the spot.

The opener – All or Nothing – being a case in point. Tasty keyboard intro, the guitar comes in hot riffing and shredding away. Soaring Wells vocal with the huge hook and chorus going straight in to your head and staying there. Monster stuff.

You’re Not Alone and One More Night follow both being full of yet more big hooks and melodies amongst the general punchiness.

Unfamiliar Love heavies things up a bit with the rhythm section thundering away as the keys and guitar take it in turns to let rip and Wells again thumps out a powerful vocal.

The centrepiece is the three-part Chasing Portraits. The first part being muscular and up-tempo with a glorious mid-section throwing in more of the keys and guitar interplay. Part II impossibly catchy with Part III progging it up somewhat.

Bury a Lie a powerful hard rocker. Probably the heaviest track with Howie Little letting rip. Have a listen:

The classy Best is Yet to Come closes out a very pleasurable listening hour. Perhaps the title is prophetic. Built to Last certainly whets the appetite for what Atlas will do next.

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Don’t forget to check out their previous two albums: In Pursuit of Memory and Parallel Love