New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Classic and Progressive Rock

Magnum Holmfirth Picture Dome 23 April 2011 Review

Spent a glorious Good Friday evening watching, for my first time, Magum at the Holmfirth Picturedome. A simply marvellous venue in a village at the bottom of a big hill in rural West Yorkshire.

Not only is the Picturedome right up there with “best concert venue ever” the pub next door is a nice, friendly place to enjoy a pre-gig pint or three which was especially essential last night with the “current bun” still high in the sky on a warm evening. Even bumped in to someone I’d not seen for many a year so good to have a bit of a catch up.

That, plus beer, meant missed most of the support act just catching the last couple of numbers. An enthusiastic geezer playing guitar with another geezer on drums. Two man blues army – I think – anyone?

OK – Mangum. My history with, and knowledge of, them is spartan. I do recall buying their first album probably in the mid/late 1970s and thought it was OK without totally floating my boat. As their momentum grew I didn’t go with it preferring stuff with a harder edge and the band has pretty much passed me by ever since.

I do have a double CD compilation of their earlier stuff and did buy the On A Storyteller’s Night reissue a couple of years ago (well, I think it’s basically “the law” for any half self-respecting rock fan to own a copy) but that’s it. So last night was, for me, a bit of a curiosity visit to see the living legend that is Bob Catley and his buddies.

Settled myself in towards the back just to the side of the mixing desk to see what’s what. I can’t offer up a set list being familiar only with anything “early” and Storyteller a few of which featured.

Catley is the man up there and everyone is very tight. Songs very well delivered by people who not only know what they are doing but do it very well. The drummer was exceptional – powerful, driving yet subtle. Highly impressive.

Magnum still enough of a draw to (I’d guess) almost sell out the Picturedome and deliver a performance which more than kept everyone happy. The hour and three quarters or so they were on stage flew by even for the likes of myself and the old boys most certainly still have “it” sending everyone home from an encore of Kingdom of Madness and On A Storyteller’s Night.

Would it make me hit Amazon to buy the back catalogue – no, simply because they are not “heavy” enough for my tastes.  Would I see them again – yes.

A very enjoyable evening and I’m pleased to have crossed Mangum of my list of bands to see. And nice to watch a band still full of energy and a desire to deliver despite so many years on the clock.

Thanks boys. Top stuff.